Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Mawlana Sheikh Nazim

My sister-in-law had a dream that in our dream herself and me be wanting to have halwah (a sweetdish) and also its a different image of Mawlana but it was Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as I felt and thought in my dream so he takes out two plates of sweet dishes from a cupboard… Continue reading

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Dream: Heavy Load

I had a dream during the day today on Friday. Something was on my upper back causing me hunchback… Continue reading

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Dream: Baby Girl

(1) I saw in my dream a new baby girl and I am pushing her around in a pushchair. Continue reading

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Dream: Marriage

I had a dream that am getting married to the guy who I am gonna get married with but in my dream am not happy… Continue reading

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What does my istikara dream mean?

I saw two people getting married dressed in white. I don’t know who they are or anything like that… Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara dream, Eggs

One of the dreams: I was breaking eggs and then I wiped all the white part of the egg… Continue reading

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Dream: Eating rice

I was sitting at the dinning table with my niece, someone (in think my mom) gave me a plastic bag with some cooked rice in it… Continue reading

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Dream: Sheikh speaking of sharing secret

I saw my sheikh in a boat on a stream, he spoke of a trip that was secret to him, he was very relaxed… Continue reading

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Dream: Not enough Milk

In my dream I look in the fridge and see that there’s only about an 1/8 the left of a 2 liter carton of milk left, I look at the clock and … Continue reading

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Dream: Huge Waves

I saw in my dream huge huge that it can overcome a building, but i was not worried… Continue reading

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