Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Love

I was sitting with his cousin, we were putting mehndi on her hands for her engagement. She asked me when I was going to get engaged… Continue reading

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Dream: Apple Tree

I saw a dream that there is an apple tree without any apples in the church yard opposite where I use to live many years ago… Continue reading

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Dream: Vision of Spreadsheet

In this dream which felt was like a vision because it felt like real life, I was in an office and looking at a very large spread sheet with my name on it… Continue reading

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Dream: Asma al Husna

i saw so many lights in the air at night with 99 names of Allah moving all around in the atmosphere. Then i heard a voice from sky.
“you should recite ‘Ar-Rehman’ because it is the ism -e-azam. you know this name lies in ‘Bismillahe rehman ar raheem’ hmmmm. all the barkat of Bismillah is because of this name….”
then i woke up. Continue reading

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Dream: Cancer in stomach

I dreamt the other night I had cancer in the liver area of my upper abdomen. I dreamt my father and brother had it too… Continue reading

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Dream: Death

I had a dream that one of my older brother died .. i wasn’t sad , he is in good health and everything elhamdullALLah … Continue reading

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Dream: Parrot

I dreamt that I was in the mosque I see a beautiful Parrot in the mosque reading Salawat…
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Dream: Killing a Lizard

I saw a under my cloth as soon as I found the lizard I squished it… Continue reading

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Dream: 3 Pious Men

Salaam Alaikum. I saw a very peaceful house. My mother and my dad’s mother was brooming the house. The house had an opening to outside and grandma who now has disease was young and strong in my dreams. Continue reading

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Dream: Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

When I was about 7 or 8 years old,I dreamt this man.It was a very awkward dream. He was standing in front of me in a desert… Continue reading

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