Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Door of the Kaaba and a Great Wind

I saw the door of the Kaaba half-open and many people (who I could not distinguish) inside. A voice in my ear tells me that one person in there was the Prophet (pbuh)… Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Saab

For some time now I have been thinking about going to visit Shaykh Nazim in Cyprus. Last night I had a dream I was flying to Cyprus to see them for seven days. Continue reading

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Dream: Slapped on the face

I was dreaming that someone slapped me one time on my face. It was hurting in the dream. I couldn’t see who he was (shadow) it was fast and hard subhanallah. Continue reading

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Dream: In Mecca with Non-Muslim Family

I saw a dream that I was in Mecca and my non-Muslim family and distant relatives were also with me. I was not near Kaba but I got a feeling that I am in the city of Mecca outside the mosque. Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Nazim Reading On My Heart

The dream was that Shaykh Nazim touched my heart and was reading something. He then says that now the dunya won’t enter your heart and it will be easier for the veils to be lifted. Continue reading

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Dream: Prince Charles

I was part of a royal tour by HRH Prince Charles who was visiting and meeting people, he came to me and saw that I had a Portfolio of Scholars and as He was going through it, He saw Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and said, “Ahh Shaykh Hisham.” Continue reading

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Dream: White Turban

I dreamed about the girl I love. She wore a White Turban and I was following her to a village but lost the trail in the village. Continue reading

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Dream: Wife giving me key

I and my wife separated about 15 months ago and I want her to return with our children.I saw her in my dream giving me key and then… Continue reading

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Dream: Discussion

I had a dream of two Shuyukh. One asked the other why he picked me over his daughter who is the same age as me. He responded saying, “We’re good friends and that’s it. Make dua for the union.” Continue reading

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Dream: Recurring dreams in WC

For the past few months or so, I have been getting recurring vivid dreams of urinating and excreting. In various places such as in the washroom of my home and sometimes other washrooms/places I cannot recall… Continue reading

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