Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly
Dream: Meet the most clean human
A person I didn’t know, man or women, asked me to follow him. When we reached this place it seemed like a quiet desert place with one tree. Continue reading
Dream: In Mecca
I dream I was in Mecca to do my hajj. I saw Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, who told me I have to complete a stitch cloth (like headscarf/turban), then I can do my tawaf. Continue reading
Dream: Meeting Room
I was in a meeting room, Shaykh Nazim, Shaykh Hisham and the other person I can’t see him. Right side of me a group of Nashbandi in a room. Continue reading
Dream: Playing with Black Snake
I saw in a dream that I am playing with a black snake. I considered that black snake as my pet in dream. Continue reading
Dream: MSN Delivering a Speech
Mawlana is delivering a speech about being good and defeating yourself. Their gaze is fixed on me… Continue reading
Dream: Zikr with Maulana Shiekh
After my visit to Cyprus, I saw myself sitting in a zikr circle with people I don’t recognize, opposite my to my right was Maulana Shiekh and to my left with their blessed wife… Continue reading
Dream: Loud Adhan
I dreamed my husband recites athan & iqamah loudly & brings a cow to slaughter. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (saw) as my son
I saw that the Prophet (saw) was my baby son, and me, my wife and the baby was at a masjid to pray… Continue reading
Dream: Dog bitting me and becoming a tree
I was walking to the cinema. As I was walking there I put my phone on charge. Walking back from the cinema uncle offered me a lift back but I refused… Continue reading
Dream: Awakening
While I was sleeping I saw my self praying. I awakened, opened my eyes, continued praying that usual salat… Continue reading