Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Pigeon

I dreamt that there was a pigeon in my room who was sitting on the curtain pole…
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Dream: Masjid

I dreamed of 15 masjids in one place and each have double minarets.
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Dream: Haunted House

Female in house seeing ghost, and home said to be haunted… Continue reading

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Dream: Small bald patch

My husband dreamt that a small area of his head had a bald patch. On reality, he is under a lot of pressure and is very unhappy… Continue reading

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Dream: Spiders

I went in the backyard, and there were more trees than usual. The trees were all green, and they were covered in white spider webs… Continue reading

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Dream: About Marriage

I was asking Allah about whether to marry with my parents choice or not and then I saw a dream… Continue reading

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Dream: In a mosque with a brother

I was in a mosque with a big jama’a, we were all wearing white clothes. Than I felt like it’s late and that someone needed to make a kind of khutba… Continue reading

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Dream: Grave of Prophet(saws)

Many years ago, about 5 or 6 I saw a dream that my room is empty and there is grave of Prophet(salAllahu alahi wasallam) in my room… Continue reading

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Dream: Running away

I saw a dream that I was moving in to a new house and once we entered our car that was outside got stolen somehow then we are running my mum is there… Continue reading

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Dream: Friend’s Marriage

My friend saw a dream that our friend(unmarried) getting married to a boy she was wearing yellow dress and she and her husband to whom she is getting married… Continue reading

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