Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly
Dream: Blessed Hair of the Prophet (s)
I had a dream just before Fajr time. In this dream, I was at my friends house, who has a Mohay Mubarak (Blessed Hair of the Prophet pbuh)… Continue reading
Dream: Climbing with Mawlana
I had a dream that me and my brother went to visit Mawlana Shaykh Nazim for Juma’a and we went with Mawlana to a mosque that was very high up in the mountains… Continue reading
Dream: Given Gem
I saw a Shining Gem giving to my hand in dream.Can you give me a explanation for this. Continue reading
Dream: Wife and shoes
Recently, I saw a dream about it, I was seeing that my wife is cleaning my shoes without taking off the shoes from my leg. I also saw her father was standing near me… Continue reading
Dream: Incomplete Test
I had a dream in which i saw my self writing a test/exam paper, but I as unable to complete the test… Continue reading
Dream: Deceased Mother
My brother in laws brother had dreamt of his deceased mother, she was calling him to go to her, she was calling him and telling him ‘come here, come here’… Continue reading
Dream: Spiritual Power/Durood e Noor
In my dream I was obsessed (praying/begging) with getting a spiritual power that could bring me anywhere in the world just in a blink..its something that I do want in real life but I’m not obsessed with it… Continue reading
Dream: Meeting a boy I know
I had a dream in which I met this boy who I was friends with in the past, however I stopped talking to him many months ago because I felt I was disobeying my religion… Continue reading
Dream: Finding Gold
Dream: assalamualikum, My mum found some gold in her dream and thinks of taking it to gold smiths to make some use out of it. Is this a good sign or not? Please could you let me know as soon … Continue reading
Dream: Ants on back
my dream was very short. I saw my husbands back, without clothing. On his back there were black ants, every 3cm or so. Continue reading