Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly
Dream: White Birds
I had a dream I entered my house and I saw many white birds with red robes on. I put my han near the bird and it sat on my hand and then sat on my head. The white birds were pleasant to look at. What could this mean? Continue reading
Dream: Bangles in Mosque
I saw a girl (don’t know her) showed me colorful bangles in a blue mosque. I think we were sitting for prayer. Please tell me what does it mean? Continue reading
Dream: Become a Scholar
I saw a dream a few nights ago where I met an Arab prince. Had a long, clean, balanced face, w/handsome features. He said to me: become a scholar… Continue reading
Dream: My Children Falling in the Sea
My wife has seen two of our sons falling into the open sea in her dream. She worries thinking something is going to happen… Continue reading
Dream: Shaking to Death
‘I’m standing at the top of the staircase with my mum and dad at the bottom, my mum points to the end of the banister, the end is quite smooth as opposed to the top half… Continue reading
Dream: A Letter
This is few years back I saw that somebody gave me a letter to give it to Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq RA. I was looking for him but could not find him… Continue reading
Dream: Black Water
One of my Aunts saw (maybe river or sea) of black water. Three of her children started walking in it (and kept walking.. i.e they didn’t drown)… Then she saw a very high water tide and got afraid Continue reading
Dream: Nebula and Crystals
I had a dream of looking up at a yellow nebula, and then something shot down a purple ocean … Continue reading
Dream: Green Turban
I have seen following two dreams: I and my family members are seeing a green turban and we are saying this is a turban our father has received… Continue reading
Dream: Holding a Quran
I had a dream that me and my sister (we both) are crossing a sea, and i am holding Quran in my hand, suddenly i start drowning and my sister saves me.