Dream Interpretation
Strange dream (what does it mean?)
In my dream I was lying in bed and i started masturbating. then suddenly I realise my friend is in the room Continue reading
Dream about Prophet SAW Hazrat Ali and me
I saw a Hazrat Ali smiled said “ you should speak about yourself”. Continue reading
I saw a dream I was eating food and completed it then suddenly something happened near the centre of my forehead Continue reading
Ate wolf meat, and saw my deceased mother urging me not to go
father was cutting wolf meat, he told me its wolf meat & told difference Continue reading
Mohre nabuwwat
I saw mohre nabuwwat the place seamed heavenly. What does this dream mean. Continue reading
My teacher telling me to move forward
I see my teacher gesturing me with his hand to move forward & said “go Continue reading
Madina and makkah
Lately it has been feeling like I can see them from the outside but feel I cannot enter. Continue reading
My wedding
I was wearing a red bridal dress and both my uncles were by my side taking me towards the stage where groom was Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet Adil Rabbani (QS)
In my dream I saw Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet Adil Rabbani (QS)’s face Continue reading
Dream about asking Shayk Nazim about Al Aqsa and my nikah
Shayk Nazim and Shayk Hisham were in my house and I was thinking if I should ask about my dream about Al Aqsa. Continue reading