Dream Interpretation
Delivering a baby but do not know gender
I was delivering a baby while at someone else’s house and helping a woman I can’t remember Continue reading
waves on river
What do waves on a river mean, which are perpendicular to the flow of the water? Continue reading
Husband in a dream
My husband came home from front door telling me in the kitchen his first wife is always fighting Continue reading
Making dua during rain
I was playing out n it started raining heavily. Continue reading
waking visions
I had 4 waking visions. One of the prophet, a dead relative, Allah and an angel. What does this mean? Continue reading
DREAM: Waiting in adab to enter the room to meet prophet (SAWS)
I am standing in front of a wooden brown/black door in complete adab with my hands folded & head bent. Continue reading
Is it possible for Shaiyateen/jinn to whisper in the ear ” I am the messenger of Allah”
Is it possible for the devil to whisper in the ear ” I am the messenger of Allah” – as a mirage to deceive ? Continue reading
spit in a toilet seat at uncles house, and when the spit touches the seat smoke with smell comes out to a certain point of the house. Continue reading
Recurring dream of kabba
I performed umrah and I prayed there for my marriage in reality after two months I am seeing recurring dreams of kabba Continue reading
Prophet giving last sermon in dream
I once had a dream that our Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is stood in the middle of a huge crowd giving the last sermon. Continue reading