Dream Interpretation
Dream of Marriage
I saw a dream in which I get married with two girls one was my ex-girlfriend and another girl is my best friend Continue reading
Line of ants crossing Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s chest
I was sitting with MSHisham in an old house and I saw a broad line of ants crossing his chest going from below and continuing up the wall. Continue reading
Istikhara for marriage
While I was in Medina Saw a dream there is a market place in where there is a clothes souq & I’m seeing three Bedouin Continue reading
friend changing in post pigeon
I was about to fall asleep when I saw a dream/vision of a friend holding a letter. Continue reading
dream about dua
My maternal grandfather died last year from 2 3 months many times i had dream that he is at home and i am asking him to pray for my good result Continue reading
Lots of water
Saw dream week before was swimming in lots of water seemed like water of flood but not sure. Continue reading
Istikharah for Marriage
Me, her and her sister, my grandma (deceased) and my brother are all in an unknown room. Continue reading
kissing the feet of Rasulallah(s) in dream :
I request you support in interpretation of Kissing both the feet of Rasulallah(s) in dream. Continue reading
Ants eating from stomach
My daughter saw her dad seated on a chair (not happy or sad) in our garage. Continue reading
For marriage
Day first = i saw ppl burying someone of course he’s or she ware a white coffin with red smily face on it .. Continue reading