Dream Interpretation
Dream of prophets upon them and there families be peace
Question: My first I was in a gathering of Musa he ordered people to apprehend me I ran till I climbed over a gate. Then another vision starts I’m back at the same gathering I look to my left and … Continue reading
Crying in Masjid al Nabawi (s)
(I am a single woman). an hour before fajr I went to the Prophets mosque. Continue reading
Strange sequence of dreams
Question: Over the past few months I’ve had dreams that involve me having passionate haram relations with an unknown man. When it comes to penetration either I wake up or it happens in a way that I don’t feel it. … Continue reading
Elephant in dream after istiqhara
In dream once saw an auliya’s mazar being shifted (day 1). Continue reading
interpretation of my dream
i see a shadow moving. first i assume that the shadow is one of my friend Continue reading
Traveling with uncle's family
aunt, uncle, two cousin sisters and me are traveling to a destination. Continue reading
Dream about Qa'im Al Muhammad
I was in a dark room surrounded by Shi’a men who were there before me Continue reading
I saw I am passing through our village graveyard and going to our village mosque with someone. Continue reading
Highest Mount and waterfall
I am flying in the sky,I tried to topple a statue three times. Continue reading
me and my friend walking through a beautiful village Continue reading