Dream Interpretation
Dream: Flower dream
My mom has seen this dream: she is taking a tray full of rose petals and Arabian Jasmine for someone on some occasion, but she doesn’t know for whom she is doing so. Continue reading
Dream: Lake
I had a dream that I was sat in a dry lake with a few cousins and then and waterfall burst and then we were slowly submerged in the water such that the level was quite high over us… Continue reading
Dream: On Moon
My mother dreamt (about 7 to 8 years back) that she is on the moon along with Nabi e Kareem(S.A.W.S), she did not see him physically but the presence was felt immensely.
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Dream: Dead father back alive
My father had passed away 7-8 months ago and I saw him in my dream after dhuhr. I knew he was dead in my dream but somehow he was back alive, and he seemed to be happy. Continue reading
Dream: Beautiful tree
I saw by my window a beautiful tall tree with green leaves. Then a fog came all around it, covering it, and I could not see it any more as if it disappeared. Continue reading
Dream: Crying
My mother had a dream that she was crying and crying I was next to her… Continue reading
Dream: Empty water bottle
i dreamt My grandfather (who has passed away) put an empty water can at my in laws house! he did not seem so happy Continue reading
Dream: Miracle dream
I had a dream that I was a sufi performing a miracle. I recited Durood e Razawiyah and was able to levitate objects. Before the dream I was reciting Durood e Razawaiyah after about every salah. Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara dream result
I prayed istikhara asking Allah to show me if I would be able to marry this girl I like a lot. I can’t do anything about it now. But I intend to send a proposal (the halal way) after finishing my studies… Continue reading
Dream: Cloaked man and house
I had a dream in which me and couple people were trapped in a small area by a house. I run into the house to rescue some people and there is an evil looking man who I thought was jinn… Continue reading