Dream Interpretation
Dream: Dining With Shaykh Nazim Al-Qubrusi
I had a strange dream in which I saw myself dining with Shaykh Nazim on a small dining spread… Continue reading
Dream: Driving a car in dirty water
I’m in car with sister and she’s driving and there is water all around car. It’s dirty water and it’s coming up to sides of windows and I’m scared… Continue reading
Dream: Water
At presently am reciting wazifa, one for marriage n one for exams. I dream that I’m in a hotel. My aunt is asking for swimming pool there… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Kaaba
I had a dream that I’m in Masjid al-Haram, want to pray Hajj, I was in a big luxury chamber in Masjid al-Haram… Continue reading
Dream: Intoxicated
A cousin of mine had a dream about me recently, dream is I was roaming around in not the most modest clothes and I am stoned too… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh’s beard
I saw Mawlana Shaykh Hisham qs with a smaller beard as if cut small like only a few inches long and then from white turning to blacker… Continue reading
Dream: Making dua in front of Kabah & clothes burning
She saw that she is in front of Kabah & making dua for me & her that our wedding should held sooner… Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Aytul Kursi by Shatan
Recently I got a dream that I’m working alone in office where there are separate rooms in one of the room heard some noise I go there and switch on the torch there I saw a shadow of Satan… Continue reading
Dream: I will go to hell
My elder sister is telling me in my dream that she had a dream and a prophet (I forgot the name she mentioned) told her that my family and myself are going to hell… Continue reading
Dream: Train journey
I regularly have dreams where I’m traveling on the trains and im going to a part of town very far from where I live… Continue reading