Dream Interpretation
Uttering the name Imam Al Nawawi
Few days ago i woke up sleepy saying, Imam Al Nawawi 3 times Continue reading
open wounds on pregnant stomach
I was heavily pregnant and walked into a store to buy jeans. Continue reading
Two Tigers
I saw two tigers. One strong in a cage and the other old but it pounced on me. Continue reading
Dream: questions in the grave
In a dream, I saw I was dead and in the grave. Continue reading
Backing a baby and walking baer footed
I saw a dream of backing an unknown baby, walking bear footed. Continue reading
ghusal and wead white clothes
i performed ghusal from a stream waterfall Continue reading
Seeing Shaykh Nazim on a subway train
I was on subway train, in reflection of glass I saw Shaykh Nazim, Continue reading
Death of husband
I have recently dreamt twice that my husband died Continue reading
Unable to board on a aeroplane
I have many times dreamt about I was not able to board on a plane. Continue reading
Skinning a live animal
My husband dreamt me skinning a live donkey. Continue reading