Dream Interpretation
Seeing Shaykh Nazim Mashaa Allah
Many years ago before I joined the Naqshbandi I saw Shaykh Nazim in my dream. Continue reading
having a baby
Suddenly I had a baby boy though i didnt see myself giving birth to him. Continue reading
see number 512
Not a dream but I see number 512 everywhere. What could this number mean? Continue reading
Seeing Allah
I had a dream I saw me and then a door and then Allah on the other side. Continue reading
Seeing the blessed grave of Our Mother AMINA RA
I saw myself walking and came across the blessed resting place of our Nabi Saw Blessed mother. Amina RA. Continue reading
Bright Sun
the sun was ultra bright and wobbling. Continue reading
Golden snow
Question: Im climbing a mountain in my hometown with my dad, uncle n few other people, reach the top, see that it’s our own house,stay for some time n begin going down the mountain. There feather shape golden snow begins … Continue reading
Prophet Dawood Giving Wooden Comb
On12th after fajar I went to sleep I saw a dream that a man with green shawl Continue reading