Dream Interpretation
Island, rainbow, parted sea
A beautiful, green, lucious island with lots of tree is in front of me. Continue reading
Dream of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
Dream: To whom it may concern My name is [private] from Africa, recently converted to Islam. About two months ago I had a dream, where a man was standing in my dream wearing all white, white Koffia and Qurta, a … Continue reading
Seeing prophet Muhammed saws in vision
Is there a Hadith that seeing prophet Muhammed saws in dream — that person will go to jannah inshallah ??? Continue reading
Marriage Istikhara
I Saw myself married to him and having sex with him with me on top and he being passive. Continue reading
My mother had a dream she was gifting me a white dress with jewels, Continue reading
Istikhara prayer – decision bring back our dad after a divorce
My mum – a huge invitation with many people chatting and utensils noises among each other; Continue reading
A heavy snake on my head
Question: A heavy snake was on my head. It was not biting but staying on my head. I and the people in my house could not remove it fearing that it would bite me. I was carrying it a long … Continue reading
Doing ruqyah on sister and at table with food
My sister complains to me of rocks in her chest. Continue reading
Holding a very Large Quraan in a very very famous dargah.
I saw in a dream, a lot of people are holding qurans of different sizes in a very famous dargah. Continue reading
Marriage proposal, lantern light
A known [online] man was married once but didn’t last Continue reading