Dream Interpretation
I saw my Dead Parents in Dream
i saw my parents in dream. my mother was alive in dream with me and my siblings. Continue reading
Seeing the Prophet SAW in dream & awake
I saw a man who introduced me to Prophet Muhammad Saw in a dream, he looked similar to his description. Continue reading
Seeing Mawlana sheikh Nazim
I dream about Shiekh Nazim but it was like a picture I seen his face he was smiling and he was wearing a green turban. Continue reading
Sujood in dream to opposite than Qibla
i saw My Sheikh in dream teaching some of the students including me and their direction was opposite Qibla. Continue reading
I was put in masjid al haram and it was haj. Continue reading
I saw full moon flickering fire from the edges moon started coming downwards on earth Continue reading
Does the number ’34’ have any meaning
Does ’34’ signify anything? Continue reading
Prince Charles
Prince Charles came into our room to check on my parents and I said him ‘salam’ and he smiled at me and said he was very well. Continue reading
Walking along a narrow path
Trying to get somewhere. Find unknown narrow path surrounded by houses. Continue reading
I dreamed that I was pregnant. Continue reading