Wedding dress
It was my sister (married) and me (single) both wearing white wedding stunning dress outside the school premises. Continue reading
My brother don't like my candidate can I ask sheikh to be a representative wali?
I’m divorced woman who wants marry again, but my brother rejected my candidate husband Continue reading
Obstacle in Marriage
I want to perform 2nd marriage as 1st ended in a divorce.V r looking 4 proposals since a decade but things r stuck. Continue reading
Ruthless Enemies causing Family Problems
There are clear signs of Black Magic upon me and my family. Continue reading
Inform first wife about second marriage
Is it mandatory or necessary to inform first wife about second marriage? Or it can stay hidden? Continue reading
Marriage istikara
Question: I do marraige istikhara, and i m seeing many oranges in my house. But i m not eat.nd i m wakeup its fajar prayer. Answer: It is a very positive istikhara. Hajj Gibril Haddad
Forceful marriage
My parents has forcefully fixed my marriage against my will. the family Continue reading
Is Nikah between Barelvi and Deobandi valid
I am a Sunni Barelvi and have found a good man to marry, he is Deobandi-Maturidi Hanafi Sunni. Continue reading
Marriage and istikhara
Im in a nikah but at home as Im still trying to convince my parents Continue reading
Sa fait un moment que je souhaite me marier par Allah je ne suis pas impatiente seulement je continue mes demandes Continue reading