Prayer Request
Prayer Request: Dua to Regain Health
I would highly appreciate your advice and help. I am a 24 yr old male – for about the past three years i’ve struggled with various pains throughout my body, neck, back, hips etc… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Evil thoughts out of control…
I have a decease in my heart and do not know what to do anymore I’m like in a big battle… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Want to perform Hajj
I want to go perform hajj next year InshAllah I want you to do dua for me please… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For exams
The girl i have intention to Marry has exams coming up could you please give us a dua to recite or a Wazifa for this could you also please do dua… Continue reading
Please interpret this dream
On 10th of Moharram 2011, after the Fajr prayer I performed istekhara prayer related to the man whom I love and want to marry, but my parents are against the idea… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To Make progress
i want to progress in my life and i have been unemployed for nearly 4 years. I know whenever i start a project or work the shaytan comes and i either leave the job/ project or i have trouble finishing it… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sihr help
I know I have submitted multiple posts about my black magic before. But the thing is.I have 2 blackmagics and one evil eye on me.., Continue reading
Prayer Request: Isthikhara for marriage,life
I’m a B.Sc graduate and 28 yrs old.still i am not married.My father apart from us when i was three yrs mother grew up me with help of her family members. Now i’m in a big trouble in my life… Continue reading
Rude Response to Question Ask – Dissapointing
a very rude response to a question put up by myself. you have given us the opportunity to ask questions, and we all are aware that Hazrat Dawood Dua is a very risky dua which must be read as instructed… Continue reading
IF I print the Grand shaykh’s taweez on this website.
Then will it be effective or will it work? Continue reading