Prayer Request
want o find a sheikh in pakistan
please ask Shiekh Hashim to pray for me to conquer my fears achieve my dreams but most Continue reading
Guérison rapide et facile inshaAllah pour ma mère et tous les malades
SVP cheikh priez pour ma mère qui s’opère demain du cancer du sein Continue reading
i am unable to fight with nafs and saitan, and always getting defeated by them Continue reading
Financial fraud
Recently we moved to the UK and invested £50000 for business. Continue reading
Pray for me to reunite with my ex boyfriend Ibrahim. Continue reading
Ramaadan and wazifa
If I want to do the wazifa of Dawud during Ramadan, can I just the fast on Thursday for both purposes for Ramadan and the wazifa? Continue reading
My son will not listen to me
My 18 year old son does not listen to me Continue reading
prayer for a specific person to love and marry you
Prayer Request: salaam I recently met a guy and fell in love with him. I told him that I love him and want to marry him but he rejected me. He recently got divorced as well . Can shaykh pls … Continue reading
Marriage of choice
There is a man who wants to marry me but needs some time Continue reading
Request prayer for my Mom
Please pray for my mother. She is very upset since my brother is avoiding her Continue reading