Gem Stones
Kindly educate me and shine knowledge of and regarding: gemstones and their benefits – spiritually and worldly, and such, etc. Continue reading
Himalayan Salt (Lamp) Benefits
May I request knowledge of the benefits – worldly and spiritual – regarding Himalayan Salt Continue reading
Nazr/Evil Eye
Hi, I wanted to ask if nazr real, if evil eye real. Continue reading
allowed to say ya Nazim
Question: Can you say/make dua “ya Nazim support us” or is the shirk? Answer: See the post at “Asking “Ya Shaykh Madad!” – Istighatha/Isti`ana” Staff
Advice for purification after defecating abroad?
purification after defecating abroad? Continue reading
Origin of Mawlid celebrations
I have often read in academic literature or heard claims from wahabis that state Maulid celebrations started with Shias seven centuries ago Continue reading
Marriage Istikhara
I did istikhara for marriage in general. ‘Is it good to get married in general’ Continue reading
Role of Arsh in our lives.
I was curious about the role or Impact of the Arsh in our lives, Continue reading