Naqshbandi practices fiqh explanations
1) how do we explain praying 2 sunnah before fard at maghrib Continue reading
Question for Shaykh Hisham
Grand shaykh gave me instructions through a vision to deliver a msg. Continue reading
Am I a Syed?
Question: I had dreams of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in one He asked me to cook bread for him, in one I was given belongings of Prophet and in one there was his name written on my right hand palm and … Continue reading
Dream of Digging Raw Gold
I had a dream where I dig and found pieces of raw gold in a dream. Continue reading
Woke up with henna stain (Sihr?)
After waking up & reading Zuhr Salah, I noticed a stain of 3 dots of henna on my Shahada finger (right hand). I Continue reading
Did Istikhara to marry someone and saw a dream
In that dream i saw that I was at a luxurious place which was glimmering and shining and it was all golden. I was also wearing very fancy traditional clothes. Continue reading
dislike a scholar
Am I sinfull to dislike a reliable islamic scholar? Continue reading
Dream of bride and giving my burqah
Dreamt of bride uncovered – got her white cake, looked homemade. Continue reading
Question: Are we allowed to vape? There is ethyl alcohol in the flavours, can we still vape if we are allowed to? Answer: In Tariqa vaping is haram just like any other smoking. Hajj Gibril Haddad
"Lights of Guidance" translation
1. Will the remaining volumes of the “Lights of Guidance” series be translated?
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