There is an Arabic phrase وَالْنھرِ إِذَا اتَّسَقَ. Whether following are the right translations of this phrase in English? Continue reading
Your Book The Four Imams and their Schools
When is the book Four Imams and their Schools going to be republished? Continue reading
A obvious but difficult question; What is love?
We love to use the word “love” so often and for so many different things. Continue reading
Customized life in jannah
can i relive my earthly life once again in jannah, in a positive way, by rectifying all mistakes? Continue reading
different shoes
In my dream I saw that I have purchased a beautiful pair of white shoes Continue reading
Rights of Locals of an Area over Natural Resources of their Land.
In Islam, do the locals of an area have rights over the resources of their land? Continue reading
Sleeping in graveyard dream
Sleeping in graveyard and I see someone carry and flying me in position my head in down and my legs are up Continue reading
How do I check my inbox also how will I know when my dreams are interpreted ? Continue reading
Broken Oaths
In order to try and force myself to stop committing sins, I swore many oaths in the past to stop Continue reading
Seeing Sheikh Nurjan in my dream
Several weeks ago, I went to Sheikh Nurjan to collect the key to my room Continue reading