Dream: A big and strong man, zikir


A big and strong man thought a zikir. The zikir is Ya sadaqa Ya Allah.Can I proceed to amal the zikir?May I know the meaning of the zikir?What is the meaning of this dream?


The correct and permissible form is Ya Sadiq Ya Allah. “Sadiq” is included among the Asma’ al-Husna and means “Truthful” whereas sadaqa is completely impermissible since the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) called sadaqa “the filth of people” (awsakh al-nas). In any case the Names of Allah Most High are not taken from dreams or from personal effort but rather from the Qur’an, Sunna and Ijma`.

As for the meaning of the dream Ya sadaqa ya Allah, it may mean O Allah let my sadaqa help me and save me from hellfire. So the first Ya is not a real vocative the way the second Ya is, but rather implies a missing part which can be linguistically interpreted in acceptable ways.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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