Dream: A black watch, and Quranic ayaat



It may be relevant here that I’m an unemployed attorney. I dreamt that it was a moment of mubarak – maybe I’d just gotten a job, but I’m not sure at all. My family was congratulating me about something and I was very happy. My youngest uncle said, “Beta, I have a gift for you!” and put a beautiful black onyx and sapphire watch on my wrist. My mother protested that it was too much, and I agreed and reminded me that he’d already gotten me a beautiful silver watch (which he did, in real life). He insisted and was very happy. Also in this dream I had the sense that a voice was telling me to read 33:35 & 49:13, the verses reported to be helpful for sexual and racial discrimination.


Alaykum Salam,

Build up the blessings in your time by spending more of it reading Qur’an.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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