Dream: War & 5 Prophets


salam alkum wa rahamat allah wa barakato

I see that the whole world is at war. There was army checkpoints everywhere. I was with five prophets, one of them was prophet Nuh. I don’t remember the rest of the prophets, but i was standing on one of the army check points and was very frightened but prophet Nuh told me not to worry and the solider just passed without even seeing me in the line.  I don’t remember the rest of the dream. It was very long, but i remember they told me something but i can not remember what they told me. Finally i see that all the prophets are dead and i see there kafan and the last the one to die was prophet Nuh out of the five.
barak allah fekay and thank you so much.



wa `alaykum salam,
This shows the approach of Qiyama and the importance of iman for safety and salvation.

And Allah knows best.

Kamau Ayyubi

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