I sleep after Fajr & that is when I saw this dream. I saw my parents leading me to a house which was light green in colour. Once inside the house I see an uncle of mine named Umar in a light green shirt sitting & smiling at us. We (parents &I) move to another room where I see a beautiful young lady & her parents. She is attired in emerald green bridal clothes & her parents are clad in light green. I myself in the dream am wearing brown & black clothes. I don’t remember my parents clothes or their colour.
I’ve been stuck in a degree for 9 years now Shaykh. Is this dream a sign of glad tidings to come?
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
In sha Allah a good dream. Make intention to marry and be receptive if someone suitable comes your way. And Allah knows best.
Abdul Karim