Assalam Aleykoum,
I have been reading the dua for Istikhara for the last few days and last night I had a dream. I am at his parent’s house, I want to pray and go upstairs to make wudu. As I am walking inside the house, I see that his house is decorated almost like a masjid. The curtains are green and it says Allah on them (printed). The carpet is also like the ones in masjid, and there are many Qur’ans placed at different locations of the room. I also see in the next room, there are some people doing Zikhr. Everything in the house was green.
I look forward to your interpretation InshaAllah.
Assalamun Aleykoum wa Rahmetullahi berakatouh.
Walaikum Assalam,
Your istikhara is positive. Go ahead with your plans. Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed