Dream: A sign from the Almighty


Asalaam alaikum, I had a dream recently where i see all of my in-laws who are from pakistan but now residing in England there all packing there bags in a rush to go back to their hometown,as everyones being told to leave the UK? i’m also in the dream & being friendly to a jewish couple whos house i’m residing at in the dream,but they ask me to leave it feels like they have broken a treaty.I quicky run upstairs & pick up my green toothbrush from their bathroom, in reality i do not own a green toothbrush. Ya saddi does this dream mean eveyone is going back to there final gathering as mentioned in a Hadith? and a treaty being broken? please do forgive me for jumping to conclusions & may allah reward here & the hereafter for your time & energy. Jazak allah khayr


wa `alaykum salam,

It means what you understood, preparation for the final events of the Last Days, where people will return to their origins, physically and spiritually. The believers will gather in Sham under the banner of Sayyidina al-Mahdi and await the descent of Sayyidina `Isa (as) who will come from heavens on the arms of two angels at the Ummayad Mosque at Fajr time. He will then confront the Anti-Christ, who by then will have conquered all the world but Mecca, Madina and Jerusalem.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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