Assalamu Alaikum
Quite a while ago I saw the first 3 khalifas in a dream and I saw the face of Abu Bakr (ra) and kissed his hands. I was so overwhelmed and I remember my heart saying La Ilaha Illallah but didnt say salam. What is the meaning of this?
Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Masha Allah Khair. Very good dream. You can make up the salam now by reciting 10 salawat `alan NabiĀ (sallallahu alaihis salam) and send the rewards to the khalifas. Insha Allah you will inherit spiritual knowledge from Sayyiduna Hazrat Abu Bakr As-Siddique (radiallahu ta’la anhu) and the other khalifas thru the Naqshbandi silsila and you will be lenient and compassionate with people and will abide by the truth and promote the Tradition of the Holy Prophet. Keep your five prayers always.
Syed Shahzaman