Dream 1: I am on clouds, playing, surrounded by angels. I feel physically close to Allah. I can’t see Him but I feel I am in His Presence. No one there except me, the angels and Allah. I am not a very pious person.
Dream 2: a black disc spinning around me. It has ‘Ya Ali Madad‘ engraved on one side, in old arabic script, and on the other side I read the number ‘3’. It’s hard for me to grasp it. When I picked it up, it smells of incense.
Dream 3: a jinn looks like a friends 2 yr old daughter, another jinn that grows very tall in front of me as soon as I recognise it as a jinn. I recite surahs. Jinn doesn’t disappear. I feel strong. Able to paralyse it. Used to dream of jinns, snakes, dogs but not anymore. What could this mean? Jazakallah!
wa `alaykum salam,
1: Your nafs (ego) is not pious but your soul is. Allah is calling you back to your spiritual reality, don’t fail to respond.
2: Sayyidina Ali (r) is a key to your spiritual progress, so find the one who inherits his secret in this time, with two perfect companions, all of whom are descendants of Sayyidina `Ali ibn Abi Talib and his two holy sons, the Lights of the Prophet’s Eyes, Sayyida Shabab Ahl al-Jannah Sayyidina Abi Muhammad al-Hasan and Abi `Abdillah al-Husayn, Allah raise them all and grant them peace.
W ‘Allahu `alam
Taher Siddiqui