had dream few days after having visited cyprus
i think i finish prayers then go upto haji ruqquiyah to kiss her hand+ask her if i can do somthing to help/be of some help +slightly faint on her lap.i’m placed on a bedlike/like massagebed.i see that i hav my top/kameez on but not my shalwar/pyjamas.i’m trying to keep awake but with difficulty i have v.little energy.my mother is there i don’t see her but call her for support faintly due to lacking energy.ihear my husband saying like”don’t worry you’re going 2b ok keep breathing”.haji ruqquiyah says something like “there are no docters around i’ll hav to help” she is trying to help me i hold her hand and she says “ Allah hu akbar” dream ends. also in dream a young girl says like “its to do with an opening/s” refering to following numbers heard in dream 133 + 124.
pleasecould shaykh interpret dream.jazakumallahkhair
wa `alaykum salam,
Seeing the members of Mawlana Shaykh’s family indicates closeness to them and being accepted as a family friend. Being on the bed indicates familiarity, and reference to doctors is to Mawlana Shaykh, our master healer. Fainting due to spiritual “openings” is not uncommon, as the young girl mentioned. Insha-Allah it means they are “downloading” something special to your heart.
133 could refer to:
{And He it is who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits be placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covereth the night with the day. Lo! herein verily are portents for people who take thought.} (Surat ar-Ra`d, 13:3)
124 could refer to:
{When Joseph said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves unto me.} (Surah Yusuf, 12:4)
Both these verses are speaking about spiritual tasarruf, management, in different levels, one at the Divine Level, which is then reflected to the Qutb al-mutassarif, who is granted the power from Allah swt to manage the affairs of this dunya, and the 2nd at the level of physical governance, as reflected the dream of Sayyidina Yusuf (as) regarding his future pre-eminence, again a type of matter which is in the hands of Qutb al-mutassarif.
And Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui