Asalam o Alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakhatuh Mawlana n stuff
I thank Allah (swt) for everything n all His favours n thanking him for granting us such a blessed Shuyukh… it’s again me bothering you… plz forgive me, I had these dreams recenlty:
1. dreamt Mawnala Shaykh Nazim inside a pool/water with white turban
2. dreamt green plants growing leaves saying ‘Kalimah‘ everywhere n saw Arabic writing (i.e. BismillahRR) on Mawlana’s n shaykh Hisham’s Holy forhead n cheeks
3. Heard RasulAllah’s (saw) voice from a high place calling us from down to come up if you want to meet/see Allah (swt) n then I was down, me with 3 other Muslims went into the left to go up to RasulAllah (saw)
In need of your prayer Mawlana… Love you
wa `alaykum salam,
These are signs and indications of your love to Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani bearing fruit, with:
1) spiritual realities
2) the reality of Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem entering your heart from their holy faces.
3) insha-Allah you will visit the Prophet (s) physically and greet him, which is in fact a visit to Allah swt, for the Prophet (s) is always in the Divine Presence, and whoever greets the Prophet (s) as Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be on him) once stated: “he who sends one benediction on me shall be blessed ten times of the same by Allah.
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui