Dream: Awiliyah Ikraam


8 yrs ago I dreamt a jinn in a whirlwind was chasing me away from Sheikh MSH making athaan in d centre of a sunken square.(@that time I knew nothing of suffism).Therafter I dreamt of a handsome man who came from a tree, flew with me to a beutiful white house to a Quraan written with Gold thread..Earlier this yr(now age27) i dream of Ghous Paak coming to me – intoducing himself to me thrice in the dream. A few weeks later, i dreamt I was petrified in a dark stable, crouching – a woman n I sat whispering Kwaga Saab over n over. After attending the URS of H-Maqsood Ali Shah, I dreamt his son, H.Irfaan Ali Shah notion to me to join his silsilah. I am not yet a mureed.


wa `alaykum salam,

The later dreams show you are in need to take initiation and get to the safety of a true shaykh. The earlier dreams show you who your shaykh is: your `ahad is with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani through his the guidance of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, whose stands on the foundation of the Ka`ba, (meaning he stands for the original and authentic Islam, as brought by Sayyidina Muhammad [s]), and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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