Dream: awliyah makam


I dreamt that I was inside a wali makam and I open the door from inside, it was raining and I saw rain water was covering outside the makam till nearing the upper makam steps. A mosque at the side was covered totally with water. I saw a white dove fly down to the step that was not covered by water. The dove turned prettier and it madeĀ sujud, then a pigeon joined it. I tried to take picture but it disappeared and the water subsided. Instead of finding the dove, at the side near the mosque there stood a big vulture instead and it look at me meanly and it turned to a brown dog. I walk up to the makam to run away from it.


Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
The interpretation is various depending on your situation (e.g. maritial, gender, etc). In general dove and pigeon means piety and a glad tiding that your dua is accepted.
Rain water means blessings and divine mercy. This world is approaching to a state where be it individual level or family level or society level piety is going away from our lives and is replaced by greed and lust. Vultures go after dead body, meaning, we are all turning into vultures and dogs to run after the pleasure of this flesh life. To protect ourselves from this decay we need divine mercy by associating us with auliya Allah. Maqams of auliya Allah are places of divine mercy.

Syed Shahzaman

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