I was doing iftar in the mosque with other people and after we had finished. I went to rinse my mouth in a shower room where there are no toilets. It was quite slippery water was on the floor and I was trying to close the door but kept slipping. Then somebody was trying to open the door form the other side. I couldnt see who it was, but a girl was giggling and then a women said leave him then I could close the door. The other side of the door had a handle and the door opened again this time I shut it. The shower that was left on I was trying to go closer and shut it, but the water kept pulling me back. I then pressed the button and then the water stopped spraying. There was nobody in the shower room. I had clothes and the water was lukewarm.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
It shows that you need to clean your heart (represented by the masjid) from hawa and hubb al dunya. You may recite salawat daily to close the door of bad manners.
And Allah knows best.