Dream: Birth


I had a dream that my younger daughter’s birth card January 12 disappeared and all of a sudden a another pink birth card comes up on the date April 15.

And another dream that my husband had that I was in the hospital and I gave birth to a beautiful girl.

Please interpret, thank you.


Insha-Allah a new endeavor you are starting will do well.

January 12 is 1/12/2013 which is numerically 1+1+2+2+1+3=10->1, which is the perfect number indicating Allah swt’s Oneness.

April 15 is 4/15/2013 which is numerically 5/15/2013=5+1+1+5+2+1+3=18->9 which  represents completion and perfection and is equivalent to zero in numerology, and represents effacing the ego.

So insha-Allah what you are starting is on Allah’s Way and will complete with great success and elimination of ego and accepting Allah’s Irada (Divine Will).

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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