Dream: Black Creature Attacking


Salaam Sheikh Hisham,

I had a dream that I was at home with my family and outside the window there was a very scary black creature. It was like a dog but with strange, frightening features. It was trying to get towards me and was barking and growling but something was stopping it. I don’t know if this applies but straight after my father was standing on my feet so that I would be in pain and he was abusing me. My father is upset with me from a few months ago as he is not happy with the person I wish to marry. Is there some link? I was crying out of fear in the dream and woke up with tears in my eyes. Could you please try and interpret the dream?

JazakAllah Khair



wa `alaykum,
This dream can mean that you should check the brothers the sisters of the person you wish to marry. If you loved them then go for it. Your father may know something you don’t know. Check with the shaykh before making any decision.
And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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