Dream: Blue shoes



I dreamt that I am wearing a royal blue coloured pair of shoes ( those that are called khussa in Pakistan, made of leather and hand made, having flat sole).

They appear to be new and very expensive. However I find them a bit uncomfortable to walk with thus go back to the shop where I bought them. The person at the shop tells me that they are the correct size but you have actually put them on in the wrong direction i.e. heel towards the front. Later on I see myself walking in them comfortably.

Please help me with this dream.


wa `alaykum salam,

Walk in the footsteps of the awliyaullah you will find a comfortable and perfect life in this world and the Hereafter. Where previously you were in difficulty and discomfort you will now be in ease and comfort.

and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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