As Salaamu alaykum Ya Sayyidi!
My husband’s dream- He was walking on the road alone. He thinks it was Long Island. He came up to a broken bridge, where he saw some planks had been placed, but a couple were not in place, he plced them correctly with the help of someone. Then suddenly, he saw cars driving up to the entrance of the bridge and falling off the cliff, one after the other.He even saw a cyclist or someone on a scooter! He felt completely helpless, because although he was trying to stop them, they could not hear him.
Finally he asked someone for a cell phone, and dialled 911, and asked them to send, perhaps a helicopter. They asked where he was calling from, and he said he does not know, because, he lives in Daly City!
Thank you Sayyidi! Shukhr!
wa `alaykum salam,
Congratulations, that is a wonderful spiritual dream. Your husband has come to the Right Path and is building up his spirituality, while all those around him are falling off and losing the Path. Dialing 911 represents calling on the saints for support in his difficulty of holding fast to the True Path. Not knowing where he is means submission to the Will of Allah and leaving his own will behind, that is the Station of non-existence (fana).
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui