Breif about me:
1: I am Muslim. From last few months I have started performing all Islamic obligations like performing tahjud, salat regularly and observing hijab.
2: My nikah was done a few months back and me and my husband love each other and Alhamdulillah he is a good Muslim.
3: Recently my parents had fatal accident, in which my car was totally damaged and my father severely injured and still in medical treatment process.
4: I am facing some financial hardships, but praying to Allah regularly and getting opportunities which will change my financial problems in few days inshAllah.
In this state of life I saw a dream that I was chopping too many guavas and pineapples in a pot. My hands were wet with the juices of both fruits.
Pot is family, fruit is paradise and cutting is tests. Allah Most High is granting your whole family. Paradise at your hands because of your sincerity and steadfastness in sha Allah.
Hajj Gibrl Haddad