Salaam Alaikum, I have had a dream a few weeks ago and wrote asking it’s meaning – I saw myself wearing my clothes inside out. Alhomdollilah this question lead me to this site and to Mawlana Sheihk Nazim and I have since taken Bait – since then I have written several times without any response, does this mean my bait has been rejected? My requests for permission to visit Cyprus and other messages have gone without response and I feel a little lost – although Alhomdolllah may duas have been answered since taking bait.
Could someone please respond so I know I have a real connection, although in my soul I feel I do.
wa `alaykum salam,
The dream was showing you to take on the clothing of taqwa, which, is what happened, as it lead you to baya` so you have fufilled that dream.
As your soul seems clearly aware, you have a real connection so don’t be worried. Observe the Awrad of the Initiate as prescribed by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani. There is no need for murids to go to Cyprus at this time. Try to join the Dhikr circle nearest to you.
Taher Siddiqui