I was sitting in a room were MSN and MSH were giving a sohbet. MSH told all the children to raise their hands, he then picked out my brother and told him that he is going to take him to Sham spiritually soon. Sweets were thrown out to us and i took loads and shared them out. MSH stood up looking for babies and picked up my baby cousin and said he is a man he is going to be very strong. After that I was in Cyprus with MSN, he looked quiet young, his eyes were brighter and lashes very long, his blessed face was full of noor and he was full of energy telling a sohbet. Thank you for this website, May Allah (swt) bless you all and raise your rank in this life and the next.
Walaikum Assalam,
Alhamdulillah, InchaAllah you and your family are being looked after by your shaykh. This dream is a confirmation.
Allah knows best.
Ali ElSayed