Dream: Being cornered by low quality men


Assalamu Alaikum Sayyidi,

I had a dream, where I was leaving a building with my wife and brother which had two exits, the back exist was clear and I had a chance to exit it with my brother, but my wife had left a minute before us and was stuck in the front exit and was not allowed to pass because there was a group of low quality men, doing shameful acts in front of us and doing moves that were very rude to be done in front of a virtuous woman, but we couldn’t do anything, and the floor was filled with human waste and vomit. And we had to stand clear and be prepared for anything possible, but they didn’t touch us, they finished their business and just left, and we made it through, but it was a very uncomfortable situation.



wa `alaykum salam,

Seek Allah’s Support to clean up your lower self and its desires by keeping your prayers and if you have a Shaykh, following his advice and spiritual direction. If you have no Shaykh, seek one out to purify your spiritual self.

w ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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