Dream: Crying at the grave of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S)


I found myself standing at the roza of the Prophet. It was simple, with a simple green sheet on it. I didn’t want to be there, because I wasn’t ready to become religious (as all this is very sacred for me, and visiting them means I must change myself and become fully religious) and yet I was there. My legs trembled, I fell to my knees and cried loudly. With my tears, was coming forth all my miserable past and memories. Someone asked me to leave as there were other people who wanted to visit. I didn’t know what to do, and then I prayed 2 nafals and woke up. – I’m not religious, I used to be, but not anymore. But I hold a very deep respect for Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)

This is an excellent dream. Follow your soul’s longing.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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