Dream: Crying & Black Magic


Asalamu Aleikum,

I was crying really badly because of my step-mom. It felt as if I kept crying I would get a heart-attack/brain-hemorrhage. I knew that it wasn’t real but couldn’t control my crying so I asked my shaykh for help and I heard his voice telling me that its due to strong black-magic and he told me to climb down the stairs (leading from sky to ground with a (dark)/sepia type of atmosphere) as fast as possible (and I think) that led to a station. There was another women following me and attacking me and my shaykh ‘preferred’ that I stayed on defensive mode and not to attack her back. Then my shaykh told me to find a path where a vehicle will take me to my destination and that my ‘stars are really bright at the moment’ so it wont take me long to find my path and that I was 50% recovered from shir/black-magic. The dream ended when I was still searching for a transportation.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Wa alaikum Salaam,

Continue to read the 3 Quls daily and blow on yourself and make Salawat on Prophet (saws) on intention of protection from envy and black magic.

Wallahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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