Salaam, I had a dream that dajaal was on earth, I was really scared as he wasnt too far from me and my friend, my friend wasn’t scared at all but I was, I said to my friend let’s go to roza Mubarak as the dajaal can’t come to madinah and so we went there, dajaal saw us but he never went after us.
What does this mean?
wa ‘alaykum salam,
The dream can be taken literally, for Dajjal’s appearance is “on the door” and the only places of safety when he does are Mecca, Madina and Sham. If you can get the tajalli of one of these three places before Dajjal appears, it will serve as support for you in the coming days of immense turmoil and difficulty for believers. Therefore try to make ziyarah to the Prophet (s) as soon as possible with the permission of your shaykh.
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui