Dream: Day of Judgement


My son saw an interesting dream the other night, which he was a bit confused about. It started off when he appeared in a large place split into half with a thick line on the floor. On one side where he was standing was Jannah which had bright green grass and the first thing he saw in Jannah was white doves flying around, and a lot of them. However, on the other side, which was Hell, was just a dark ground with a drop in the centre. He then heard a voice saying “go where your feet take you”.
My son is 12 years old and we come from a fairly religious background, although it is a struggle as Muslims in the UK. However, my son is quiet and a thoughtful person.


wa `alaykum salam,

Your son was shown the clear division between Truth and Falsehood and the destination of each.  “Go where your feet take you” means “don’t look right or left, and become distracted, but follow the Straight Path as you have been taught.”

Insha-Allah this indicates your son has a bright future in spirituality.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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