Death shouting shahada


Assalamu alaikum,
Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim

I had a dream I was traveling with a group of many people, and in an instant everyone started dying. As I realized this I could slowly feel myself dying as well. But while this was happening I was shouting loudly over and over at the top of my voice ”Ashhadu ‘an la ‘ilaha ‘illah Allah’‘……..could you explain this dream?
jazakallah khair


wa `alaykum salam,

Congratulations, while you may not be strong enough to do this in real life, Allah granted you the station of the martyrs in this dream, which normally can only be achieved by dying in the Way of Allah, such as defending your nation or people from an aggressing enemy.  Our mashaykh teach “Keep constant one even one Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (s) and you will be granted the reward of 70 (on in one narration 100) martyrs.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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