As salamu alaikum,
My sister passed away 6 months ago. Lately she has been very much on my mind and I have often called my kids by her name. I have been dreaming about her a lot too and the most recent one, she appeared intoxicated; (she was religious and never smoked or drank). I went looking for her and found her resting on a sofa behind the door of a beautifully clean/marble bathroom with someone else sitting on the toilet. I was very upset with her but was somehow very composed as I reached for her and she held on to my hand as we left the place. Every time I say my prayers, I pray for her for light in her grave and for forgiveness. Is there something more I should be doing?
Thank you
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
Your prayers are enough. It is a good tiding that you saw her in the dream after her passing, as her soul is free in the grave.
Dr. Karim